Automate how you define and identify ideal customers.

Build a targeted account universe based on past won and lost deals.


It’s not magic— it’s AI.

Understand your Ideal Customer

Make the largest, deepest, and most accurate B2B contact and company dataset work for your business. With ZoomInfo, your sales and marketing teams can identify similarities and commonalities on contacts and companies they’re selling to—automatically.

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Automate customer profiles

Let our artificial intelligence do the heavy lifting. You simply upload a report from your CRM of previously won and lost deals. Behind the scenes, our algorithms will learn which of ZoomInfo’s company attributes are indicative of companies that are your best targets.

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Keep your Ideal Customer Profile up-to-date

ZoomInfo already makes it easy for you to manually create your ICP in the platform. AI-Generated ICP takes it a step further by automating the process based on your prospecting history. As the market changes and your scoring mechanism needs to follow suit, AI-Generated ICP can create your new ICP as often and accurately as needed.

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Access to ZoomInfo is like having a superpower.

We recently closed 3 opportunities in half the time of our typical sales cycle. Why? Because we got in front of interested buyers before our competitors could.

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Erwin van der Vlist
Erwin van der Vlist

CEO & Founder


Increase in pipeline growth

Get Answers: Customer Profiling FAQs

How do you do customer profiling?

Customer profiling is the process of collecting and analyzing data about your potential buyers, such as their product needs, problems, and purchasing behaviors. This analysis helps create your ideal customer profile for use in efficient marketing and sales motions. 

Customer profiling can be done by using customer profile software, such as ZoomInfo’s AI-Generated ICP. It’s an efficient way to identify better prospects to convert into paying customers.

Learn more on how to create an ideal customer profile (ICP).

What are types of customer profiles?

There are two types of customer profiles: ICPs and Personas. 

ICPs are based on your current customers’ demographics and other defining characteristics, such as values, needs, and triggers for making the decision to purchase. Basically any real data that will help identify similar potential customers. 

Personas are imaginary buyers based on segmentation data. Building out detailed personas allows businesses to create buyer journeys for reaching potential customers at ideal touch points.

Here’s more on how to use personas for optimal marketing success

What should be included in an ideal customer profile?

An ideal customer profile (ICP) should include critical customer-defining information. This is based on a combination of data you have on existing customers, as well as information learned by interviewing your best customers. 

Things to include in your ICP data: net promoter score, annual contract value, potential for growth, retention rate, customer lifetime value, business life cycle, how often customers use your product or service, and overall brand prominence. 

Still on the fence about which prospects to go after? Here’s more on how to create an ideal client template.

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