ZoomInfo Copilot

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is ZoomInfo Copilot?

    ZoomInfo Copilot is a new ZoomInfo Sales experience. It uses AI to solve the problem of data and sales signal overload and provides immediate value for sellers.  This experience incorporates Admins as a critical component of a successful sales team.

    At a high level, Copilot introduces a new Admin Portal with guided set-up. For sellers, it introduces sales signals attached to target accounts and recommendations on how to put them in action.

  • What are Buying Signals?

    At the highest level, buying signals are any actions that indicate a customer or prospect is “ready to buy” or relevant information that provides insight into an account’s status. These signals come in many forms from many different sources. When used correctly, they simplify the notoriously complicated B2B sales cycle.

    It helps to think of buying signals as the “data trail” potential customers leave behind. Knowing this trail and the multiple buying signals within it helps sales and marketing teams align their efforts to the customer’s needs.

  • Why are Buying Signals Important?

    Buying signals transform the way you approach potential customers. They offer unique insight into a customer’s journey, including their current position in the sales funnel. Understanding and applying these cues creates a sales strategy that’s more in tune with your customers and significantly more effective.

    With ZoomInfo Copilot, you receive proactive buying signals that guide you on when and how to engage with customers. They enable you to adjust your timing and tailor marketing messages that resonate with customers. Studies find that 85% of deals are won by the seller that was first to engage. Whether it’s an email after a personnel change or responding to a prospect’s recent earnings call, Copilot keeps you informed and prepared to make meaningful connections.

  • What’s the difference between a signal and an insight?

    Signals are reasons to reach out. Insights are clues on what to say. For example, increased website traffic is a signal — a prospect is showing interest, time to reach out. The prospect’s needs, profile, etc., would be the insight used to generate emails to engage them.

  • Does ZoomInfo use customer data to train its AI models?

    No customer first-party data or personal data is used for modeling, ZoomInfo further contractually prohibits its vendors from ingesting our customers’ data to train their AI models.

  • How will the data be used? What safeguards will be implemented to ensure that outputs are not inaccurate, i.e., hallucinations, etc.?

    We handle data in two ways:

    1. Standardized Output: We work off of a standardized taxonomy as part of the prompt, which only allows one of our options to be leveraged in the results. We have validations in place to determine if it’s a valid result, which would detect and remediate any hallucinations.
    2. Human Review: We routinely manually evaluate the results.
  • What is a Target Account?

    In sales and marketing, a target account refers to a specific company or organization that a salesperson or sales team has identified as a high-priority potential customer. It can also be known as a key account.

  • Where do the Target Accounts come from?

    Target accounts are curated lists of companies assigned to individuals and prioritize which accounts they should focus on. Target accounts can be automatically created from your CRM, data import, or manually. ZoomInfo uses Target Account lists to bring relevant sales signals to sellers.

  • What are Buying Groups?

    Buying groups are the essential decision-makers, influencers — even detractors — within a company. Copilot’s Buying Group feature identifies the individuals most likely in this group, based on their roles, departments, and management levels. Knowing these key contacts helps you navigate the B2B sales landscape.

  • How can Buying Groups benefit my sales strategy?

    By using Buying Groups, you can identify and target the right stakeholders, increasing your chances of closing deals.

  • What is Account Fit Score and how does it use predictive AI?

    Account Fit Score (AFS) uses predictive AI modeling to assign a Low (0–50), Moderate (50–85), or Great (85–100) fit score to prospect accounts based on their similarity to your ideal customer profile. The model compares customer attributes, data points, firmographics, technologies, etc., to those most likely to be found in your customer base. You can look at the details of a company’s score — they use a certain technology, their size and industry fit — to easily identify your next, best prospect.

  • How is Account Fit Score calculated?

    To calculate an Account Fit Score, connect to your CRM and upload a list of companies to analyze their firmographic, technographic, and geographic patterns against deals that are closed-won and their similarity with your ideal customer profile. This model will score companies in the ZoomInfo database to identify the best fit accounts for you to pursue. You can also use it to look at patterns of companies you would like to be customers, but are not currently in your CRM.

  • What Salesforce fields are supported as part of the configuration?

    All Salesforce field types are supported, except for the ID and textarea fields.

  • What type of accounts are supported with the Salesforce configuration method?

    Copilot supports both Service Accounts and User Accounts. We will fetch Salesforce fields based on the settings of the ZoomInfo Admin who connects the initial Salesforce integration.

  • What is the AI email generator?

    The ZoomInfo Copilot AI email generator allows users to create and send emails to prospects. Backed by proprietary Zoominfo data, the Copilot AI email generator builds relevant and compelling messages that can be edited and personalized before sending.

  • What are the technical requirements for using the ZoomInfo Copilot AI email generator?

    You must have Gmail or Office 365* email to send emails from ZoomInfo Copilot. If you do not meet these requirements, you can still generate emails, copy the text, and paste into a different email client. Also, if you have not synced your email within ZoomInfo Copilot, the AI email generator will open your computer’s default email client.

    *Note: Government-regulated Office 365 (also known as GCC) does not allow third-party app installations; those customers cannot connect their emails with ZoomInfo Copilot.

  • How many emails can I send a day with the AI email generator?

    You can send up to 500 emails a day with the Copilot AI email generator.

  • Does Zoominfo use the email content I create in the AI generator to further develop this tool?

    No. ZoomInfo does not ingest your data to train its AI models. Also, ZoomInfo prohibits its vendors from ingesting your data to train their AI models.

  • How many contacts can you write an email for at one time? How about bulk emailing?

    The Copilot AI email generator creates one email at a time, with a maximum of 25 contacts in the queue.